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Laurel Huston's Advanced Body Mapping and Breathwork course is a comprehensive mind, body, spirit alignment education. The tools for self work, support, and continued expansion are intentionally set with all of Laurel's programs and I am still experiencing joy and excitement with the use of what I learned in ABM.
I love the sisterhood and continued support of my ABM class. I also love how what I have learned is helping others heal and empower themselves. They, in turn, are able to provide a safe, healing place for those around them and expand their capacity for joy.
With ABM and Trauma Informed Breathwork, you learn to recognize and release scarcity patterns and fear based programs; identify and ask for what you truly desire; expand your capacity to receive all that you ask for and more.

Kehaulani Vernon
✨✨✨ Learning Body Mapping, BreathWork & Mentoring From Laurel is A Beautiful Pleasurable Experience. I’ve had the Honor to work with her for a couple Of Years & I’m Soo HaPpY I said 🙌 Yess to Me. Laurel is FUN to Learn from. She Makes Learning Exciting, Meaningful & Worth It. Thank You Laurel for Such An Empowering Transformational Experience✨✨✨

Ginger Rust
With breath work, I finally found a safe method for me to process years of suppressed trauma and complex PTSD. I went from being re-traumatized every time I started digging into the past to heal it, to confidently moving through each breath session knowing I was in control of my healing journey and finding success every time. My clients and I have felt noticeable shifts within minutes. It really catapulted my healing journey, and I love being able to help others with their own.
Body Mapping helped me gain a new appreciation and acceptance of my body that I'd never experienced before. I now understand why my IT bands gave me such a hard time for 10 years doing triathlon and long-distance running. Body Mapping is just plain fun! It's like going on a treasure hunt or trying to solve a mystery... and once you find the answer, well, it's brought several of my clients to tears as they finally gained understanding.
The Advanced Body Mapping and Breathwork Facilitator course 💯 changed my life!

Mandy Starling
You know that experience where you see something and your ENTIRE BODY Screams "YES!!!" That was my experience when I had the opportunity to become certified with Laurel Hustons Body Mapping.

It wasn't just the modality it was a part of me that screamed for healing and knew that I would get it through the Body Mapping and Breathe work.

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have this incredible modality in my life and for the healing it has and will create for myself and thousands of others! 

Angela Nusbaum
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